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The Gift of Weight Watchers Lifetime Membership

I didn’t Always Appreciate The Gift of Weight Watchers Lifetime Status.

I achieved this milestone back in the early 1990s. I was 28-years-old. I had lost 30 pounds. I felt amazing and was on top of the world.

What can I say except I was young and overconfident, yes cocky, after losing the weight relatively easily. I was sure I had the whole “weight/food” thing figured out and no longer needed the support WW provided.

If I could go back in time I would love to have been able to tell myself,  “When you reach WW Lifetime Status treat it as the gift it is. Keep it. Hold it dear. Do what you need to keep it active. I know you will think you have your weight and food issues all figured out. That your weight will never be an issue again. That you are strong enough and smart enough to go it alone. You are not. Your journey is not over, not by a long shot.”

It would take me a couple more rounds of gaining and losing before I would finally take hold of this amazing gift and embrace it for all it is worth.

I could if I would. But I can’t.

Instead I can try to convince you.

Do as I should have done. Avoid my struggle.

Because the truth is you are not done when you reach your goal.

I now realize that learning to maintain your weight is as challenging as weight loss, maybe more so because you no longer have a clear goal your aiming for.

What is WW Lifetime Membership?

Lifetime Membership is a valuable benefit that meeting members can receive when you reach and maintain your goal weight.

Once you achieve the status as one of Weight Watchers Lifetime Members, you are considered a permanent part of the Weight Watchers family. You receive a Lifetime Membership Recognition Award, along with the additional benefits of a complimentary eTools subscription and unlimited meetings (provided you weigh-in once a month at no more than two pounds over your goal weight).

You’re awarded Lifetime Membership once you reach the following criteria:

  • You select and achieve a weight goal that is within the Weight Watchers Healthy Weight Ranges (or above Weight Watchers weight ranges if a note from a physician has been provided) and at least 5 pounds less than your initial start weight.
  • After you reach your goal weight, you must complete the maintenance phase of the program — remain an active, paid member throughout the next 6 weeks, weigh-in at least twice and be within 2 pounds (+/-) of your goal weight at the final maintenance weigh-in.

Benefits of Weight Watchers Lifetime Membership

There are many benefits to achieving lifetime status at Weight Watchers. As a lifetime member you may attend as many meetings as you like anywhere in the world, provided you weigh-in once a month at no more than two pounds over your goal weight.  You also are entitled to a free online eTools account subscription.

Once you are a Lifetime Member, you are FOREVER a Lifetime Member. You will never have to pay the joining fee as a again. You can walk in after years of being gone and be welcomed back with open arms just by paying the going rate of that single meeting.

Valuable Advice and Tips from WW Lifetime Members

Lifetime members are a valuable asset to meetings. They are living proof that the WW program works.  Although they are only required to weigh in once a month, they are encouraged to attend as many meetings as they need and weigh in more often if it enhances their maintenance experience.

You’ll get valuable advice and tips like…

“Keep tracking SmartPoints values even after you’ve reached goal. It’s too easy to increase your portion sizes if you don’t.”

“Enjoy every day you are on plan. Laugh at your mistakes and celebrate your successes.”

“Eat only what you truly love and the plan will be a joy.”

“Keep yourself busy so the focus of your life isn’t food!”

“Be intentional about your healthy lifestyle. Don’t leave it up to chance.”

“Lifetime membership is the greatest gift. I encourage my co-workers to please hang in there, because earning lifetime status will keep them fit for life. I have remained faithful to my goal because Weight Watchers helped me change the way I eat for life.”

“Anyone can lose weight—we’ve done it a million times—but the key to keeping the weight off is to embrace your new lifestyle. Tell yourself, ‘I love the new me!'”

“The Weight Watchers website is so helpful to me as a lifetime member. The success stories remind me that the journey I began two years ago will never be over. I remain just as alert and dedicated as I was as a beginner to avoid pitfalls. Sometimes it’s difficult when there is no goal weight left to aim for—that’s when I hit the site for a boost.”

Source: What is a Lifetime Member (Weight Watchers)

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About Martha McKinnon

Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, Yoga Practitioner and Blogger who loves to share her passion for trying to create a happy, healthy, balanced life in what often feels like an overwhelming out of control world.

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  1. Thanks for this helpful info! How is your goal weight determined? Based on BMI?

    What if my goal weight isn’t the same as the WW determined goal weight?

    1. WW provides a healthy weight range. I believe that a weight outside their suggested range is fine with a doctor’s note.

  2. I am a lifetime member and have to weigh in for April but because of the Covid19 I can’t weigh in this month. Will I have to pay when I go in may or june?

    1. Hi Gloria, I don’t believe so but you will want to double check with WW to be sure. ~Martha