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According to Sarah Ban Breathnach, in her wonderful book, Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy (affiliate link), “Since ancient times, September has been viewed as the beginning of the new year, a time for reflection and resolution. When the leaves begin to turn colors, it’s the perfect time for turning over a new leaf.”

autumn leaves falling along path with text overlay why september is the best time to reommit to weight loss goals

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
~ Albert Camus

For many this time of year is filled with resolutions to do better, be better, get organized and lose weight.

Why September is the Best Time to Recommit to Your Weight Loss Goals

That’s why I believe September is the best time to recommit to your weight loss goals by joining Weight Watchers or taking on some sort of challenge or committing to your healthy eating/weight loss goals using whatever system is best for you.

We’ve got nature and decades of tradition working with us.

Am I the only one who still feels a rush of energy this time of year? A yearning for new beginnings? A desire for a clean slate, new notebooks, freshly sharpened pencils, and a new outfit or two?

I’ve always loved the sense of excitement and hope associated with heading back to school. It seems like such a better time to take on the personal challenge of losing weight than January when we are worn out from the holidays and in need of rest.

One September, several years ago, I re-joined Weight Watchers instead of waiting until January, as was my tradition. With that one action everything shifted for me.

For most of us who struggle with weight issues, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of a “high-risk” time. And it doesn’t end until New Years.

There’s more of almost everything—more parties, more stress, more sweets, more snacks, more alcohol, more appetizers—to contend with. Most of us come out of the holidays heavier than we began them.

By joining Weight Watchers in September and attending meetings throughout the fall, I was able to navigate the holidays without gaining weight.

I didn’t lose any either and that was okay. There are times, like during the holidays, when maintaining your weight is a BIG WIN.

And the beauty of fall resolutions is that no one else need to know we’re making them, so there’s a lot less expectation taking much of the pressure off.

What do you think is the best time to join Weight Watchers or refocus on your weight loss goals?

Are you ready to firmly plant yourself on the path to lasting weight loss success?

28-Day Challenge: Weight Loss Smart Start
28-Day Smart Start Weight Loss Challenge

This 28-Day Smart Start Weight Loss eCourse and eBook is your answer. Over four weeks, you’ll begin establishing habits and routines that you can stick with forever. You’ll lay the groundwork to slowly, steadily and gently create the happy, healthy, balanced life you crave!

More Inspiring Weight Loss Articles:

7 Sensible Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss

7 Ways Yoga Helps with Weight Loss

Is My Clutter Making Me Fat?

About Martha McKinnon

Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, Yoga Practitioner and Blogger who loves to share her passion for trying to create a happy, healthy, balanced life in what often feels like an overwhelming out of control world.

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  1. I joined WW 40 years ago and made lifetime after 8 months and down 50 pounds. Now at 68 I joined again in April after my dad passed at 93 years of age. I came home from his funeral and decided to purge my closets of clothing that were to small some with the tags on. I made lifetime last week. My dad was my inspiration because I heard him say, while in the closest, please lose weight ! Thanks dad!

  2. I can’t agree more. I joined 7 years ago in September and 6 years ago in Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) I made lifetime. i am proud to say I haven’t paid once since. But i do struggle and every September, I do find myself with a renewed commitment to the program.

  3. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today. You know, it’s funny. September was the month I joined WW too. I could not agree with you more, it was the perfect time to start.

  4. I became a lifetime weight watchers member about 1 1/2 ago, after losing 117lbs. After continuing to go to meetings and track like a fiend for the first 6 months after reaching goal, I decided I was strong enough to “do it on my own”. LOL! Funny how we think such a short period of time of doing it “right” can make us NEVER resort to old habits! After suffering a knee injury and having several surgeries, I finally came to the realization that I couldn’t take off that extra 20 lbs on my own. At the beginning of September, I rejoined WW, as I KNOW it’s what works for me. It’s taken awhile to get back into the tracking mindset, but I know it’s what will keep me successful and accountable. September is definitely the time for a renewal! This an inspiration to those of us that need that swift kick to get us back on track!

    1. Hi Kelly,

      I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fallen into the “I’ve got this all figured out.” trap! The truth is that our environments are set up to make us fat and without constant reminders in the forms of tracking, paying attention, and going to meetings, it’s easy to pack on the pounds! Good for you for finding your way back!!

  5. Funny…September of last year is when I came back to WW, I’m celebrating 2 months of Lifetime Membership. I know it doesn’t seem like a long time; but that is maintenance through 1.5 weeks in Bar Harbor, ME, my husband’s 50th birthday weekend, and multiple camping 4 day weekends. I’ve been ecstatic every week that I “held it together”. I didn’t deprive myself, I got more active than i would’ve been during those trips/events in my previous life.
    All of the tools I used to manage the summer I learned after coming back in September!!

    1. Hi Barb, I definitely think there is something magical about returning to WW in September! Your comments further confirm my experience. Thanks so much for taking the time to share!!