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Weight Watchers Friendly Crock Pot Cooking
Weight Watchers Friendly Crock Pot Cooking

Update: My crock pot adventure has ended, but not my love of the slow cooker. The experience only deepened my belief that the slow cooker is the best kitchen device for losing weight and eating great.

You really can slow cook yourself skinny and here are some of my favorite recipes to help…

Are You Ready To Slow Cook Yourself Slim?

Happy October Crocktober 1!

This marks the official kickoff of a new project for me: A year of Weight Watchers friendly crock pot cooking!

Beginning today, I’m going to attempt to use my crock pot everyday for a year and write about it here. I realize that a year of crock pot cooking isn’t an original idea. In fact, I’m a huge fan of Stephanie from A Year of Slow Cooking, who used her crockpot everyday for a year way back in 2008. Unfortunately, she also gained 8 pounds in the process.

I want to prove that it’s possible to take advantage of all the benefits of crock pot cooking without gaining weight! In fact, I believe that slow cooking can actually help with weight loss.

But I feel like we Weight Watchers could use more light crock pot recipes that are easy, healthy and delicious. And that include nutrition and/or WW Points information so it’s easier to stay on track.

With every passing year, I love the ease and convenience of crock pot cooking more and more. I still want to eat well. But I want to minimize my time in the kitchen too. Crock Pot cooking fits perfectly with my desire to simplify my life. And get maximum reward for minimal effort.

When I use my slow cooker, I’m so much happier at meal time. And calmer. Crock Pot Cooking is easier. Less messy. Less precise. And more forgiving.

So, I’m giving myself permission to give this year of crock pot cooking a try.

slow cooker love my year of weight watchers friendly slow cooking

Why begin my year of crock pot cooking on October 1, instead of waiting until the New Year?

I love fall. In my mind October marks the beginning of crockpot season. There’s nothing that says a calendar year and a crock pot cooking year need to coincide is there?

I really want to learn how to use the Ninja 3-in-1 Cooking System (affiliate link) my mom bought me for Christmas last year. I’ve used it a few times as a slow cooker. But I haven’t fully explored how to use it to its full potential.

And if I’m going to be completely honest, I’m afraid that if I wait until January, I’ll talk myself out of it. Tell myself it’s a crazy idea. Lose my excitement. Convince myself I can’t do it. Come up with millions of reasons not to try.

So, I’ve decided to dive right in beginning today. I’ve dusted off my slow cookers and gathered my crock pot cookbooks.

I don’t have a great track record of seeing such undertakings through to their finish, so wish me luck 🙂


Find a list of all my Year of WW Friendly Slow Cooker Recipes Here!

About Martha McKinnon

Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, Yoga Practitioner and Blogger who loves to share her passion for trying to create a happy, healthy, balanced life in what often feels like an overwhelming out of control world.

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  1. Hi Martha
    Just purchased a new wave air fryer .it is the greatest tool I have
    You need no oil ,and. Your food comes out tasting fried
    Had it 3 weeks down 12 PDs I made fryed chicken fryed porkchops
    Made Italian meatballs,I can’t believe how the foods Coe out so good
    And you can lose weight tks for so much encouragement look
    Forward to your e mails peggy