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Weight Loss Success Story: Susan C.

Susan, a longtime WW and creator of the Cuchina Safe Glass Vented Lid (affiliate link) shares her inspiring success story…

Tell Us A Little Bit About Your Weight Struggle
Like so many of us, my weight issue started after giving birth to my first daughter, in 1982. Yes, 37 years ago. But before you think I’m just starting to address this issue now, the answer is NO. It was 2 years after giving birth that I decided to take control of my weight issue.

My first “A-Ha Moment” came in the form of a 3-word phrase out of the mouth of my big brother… “are you pregnant?”

Only a family member can say what my mind already knew—I had to take control. So I joined Weight Watchers, the 1980’s Exchange Program. It was much different than now; you were so restricted. There were no frozen WW meals, no pre-packaged snacks, just a small kitchen scale (affiliate link) to weigh those tiny portions of food. I was committed; hunger pains and very limited food choices were just something that came with the program.

The result was a 36-pound weight loss, and a membership into the “Lifetime” club. Happily, I maintained my goal weight for 20+ years.

Then life took some unexpected turns… a divorce, a hysterectomy, breast cancer, mastectomy and cancer treatment—all happening in a span of 4 years.

The weight slowly came back on as I told myself maybe it was the weight of my new breast implants, but my doctor assured me there was no way they weighed 10 lb. each!!

What Was Your Wake-Up Call Or “A-Ha Moment” That Caused You To Really Commit Yourself To Succeeding?
This year I had two “A-Ha Moments” that came within days of each other.

The first one was when I got notice that I was going back on TV. The Home Shopping Network (HSN), scheduled me for a guest spot to sell my glass cooking lids. As everyone knows, the camera adds an extra 10 lbs, so I figured I needed to take action.

But what really motivated me was the day my youngest daughter got engaged to a wonderful man. We were taking family photos of the happy event and I looked at the photos and thought, I don’t want to look like the chubby “mother of the bride.”

I want to be remembered as the beaming, healthy, shapely 60-something “mother of the bride.” The following day, I went back to WW and started my journey.

How Have Your Eating Habits Changed Since Beginning Your Journey? What Did You Eat Before And What Are You Eating Now?
I have one bad eating habit… chocolate. I don’t drink, don’t smoke and I don’t indulge in fried foods, but I need my daily chocolate fix. And quite frankly, I just did not see my life without it.

However, once I downloaded the WW app and started scanning bar codes, I realized how many points my beloved chocolate bars were.

Did I really want to spend a day’s points on a few chocolate bars? It was time to take control of myself and go cold turkey on the chocolate. My new substitute is fruit or a WW snack 2-point bar.

My good healthy eating habit is steaming vegetables and fish in the microwave (affiliate link) with my Cuchina Safe vented glass cooking lids.

The lid idea was inspired by my breast cancer and the need to find a replacement for plastics I had used in the microwave (affiliate link) (years of heating WW frozen meals in plastic containers in the microwave was not very healthy).

Now I steam a large bowl of broccoli, green beans, cauliflower or spinach and add the vegetables to whatever food I am preparing.

Every meal has a portion of steamed vegetables included. It’s not just convenience; steamed veggies fill your stomach and are loaded with fiber and vitamins.

I have also developed recipes for steaming (micro-steam) fish in the microwave, and the results are amazingly good. You can see my products and recipes on

What Is The Difference In Your Fitness Before You Started And Now?
To be honest, my weekly walking sessions and occasional stationary bike riding is about the same as before.

With the warmer weather approaching and my increased energy, I will be doing more walking and swimming. (Added bonus: I’ll look better in my bathing suit and won’t have to hide behind a cover-up!)

What Has Been The Biggest Change/Payoff For You So Far?
I feel happy, confident and in control. I have not had a chocolate candy bar since I started back on WW.

It’s nice to fit into cloths that were a bit too tight before and to buy new clothes a size smaller than before.

There is an added benefit, as strange as this is, with my post-cancer implants: my breast size is not affected by weight loss, making my waist seem even smaller.

I have more to lose on my journey, and once at my goal, I am committed to staying on a maintenance program.

How Much Weight Have You Lost? How Long Did It Take You To Lose It?
It has taken me 2 months to take off 10 pounds.

Susan’s Microwave Steamed Vegetables

Microwave Steamed Broccoli:
Rinse fresh broccoli, cut into small pieces or florets. Place in a 1- to 2-Quart microwave-safe glass bowl; add 1/2-cup water and pinch of sea salt.

Cover bowl with the Cuchina Safe Glass Vented Lid (affiliate link).

Cook in microwave on high for 3 to 5 minutes (depending on how you prefer your Broccoli) leave the lid on the bowl for 1-2 minutes more to steam Broccoli.

Drain and season with favorite toppings.

For frozen Broccoli, use instructions on bag.

Microwave Steamed Veggie Recipes
Microwave Steamed Veggie Recipes (click to download)

Steamed Veggie Medley (Broccoli, Peppers and Yellow Zucchini):
Rinse veggies, cut into small pieces. Place in 1- to 2-Quart microwave-safe glass bowl; add 1/2-cup water and pinch of sea salt.

Cover bowl with the Cuchina Safe Glass Vented Lid.

Cook in microwave on high for 3 to 4 minutes (depending on how you prefer your veggies) leave the lid on the bowl for 1- 2 minutes more to steam.

Drain and season with your favorite toppings.

Steamed Green Beans:
Rinse fresh green beans, cut or snap into smaller pieces. Place in 1- to 2-Quart microwave-safe glass bowl; add 1/2-cup water and pinch of sea salt.

Cover bowl with the Cuchina Safe Glass Vented Lid.

Cook in microwave on high for 4 to 5 minutes (depending on how you like your Green Beans) leave the lid on the bowl for 1- 2 minutes more to steam Beans.

Drain and season with your favorite toppings of butter, almonds, bacon or cheese.

Steamed Spinach:
Place one bag of fresh pre-washed spinach into a microwave-safe glass bowl, add 1/3 cup water and pinch of sea salt.

Cover with the Cuchina Safe Glass Vented Lid.

Cook in microwave on high for 2 minutes, stir, add minced garlic if desired, cook 1 minute more.

Drain and season with your favorite toppings.

Steamed Asparagus:
Take 1 pound of fresh asparagus (thin or medium thickness), rinse spears in water, pat dry.

Trim 1 – 2 inches off the bottom stems. Place spears on a dinner plate, sprinkle with 2 tablespoons water and a pinch of salt.

Cover with Cover ‘n Cook Plate Cover, microwave on high for 3 to 5 min. (thin) 5 to 7 min. (thick) depending on your microwave and your preference, let sit for another minute, drain.

Serve warm with butter or hollandaise sauce.

Be careful when steaming, glass may be HOT, use towel or oven mitt!

Microwave Steamed Halibut Recipe
Microwave Steamed Halibut Recipe (click to download)

Any Advice and/or Words of Wisdom for Others Who Are Struggling?
Make a commitment to yourself that you will stay with the program until you reach your goal. I let everyone close to me know that I am committed.

Don’t bring me chocolate!! If you invite me to dinner or out to eat, I will be staying with the program. If that means going to a restaurant that fits into the program, then that is what I will agree to. Stay in control of your destiny!!

Follow Susan on her blog: Cuchina Safe

Follow Susan on Facebook: Cuchina Safe Lid

Follow Susan on Instagram: Cuchina Glassware

More Weight Loss Success Stories on Simple Nourished Living:

About Martha McKinnon

Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, Yoga Practitioner and Blogger who loves to share her passion for trying to create a happy, healthy, balanced life in what often feels like an overwhelming out of control world.

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