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How Kathy G. Has Lost Weight While On Weight Watchers
Kathy G.’s Weight Loss Success with Weight Watchers

I’ve got another great Weight Watchers Success for you today. I came across Kathy G and her impressive before and after photos while surfing around Facebook Sunday. Like so many of us, she was experiencing the increased challenge of managing  weight after 50. Unfortunately, weight loss/maintenance doesn’t get easier as we age. Our unhealthy habits are more ingrained and metabolisms slow with each passing year. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. It absolutely Can. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, as Kathy shows us 🙂

Just reading this, you’ll feel how much losing on average 1/3rd of a pound a week for 18 weeks (15.2 pounds) has improved Kathy’s physical and emotional wellbeing. She feels that her weight loss is slow, but slow weight loss is successful weight loss worthy of celebrating and so much more realistic for us normal folks, especially after 50.

Did you know that when you are overweight or obese, losing just 5 percent – 10 percent of your body weight can make a huge difference to your health? According to Weight Watchers, for most people 5 percent is enough to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, lower blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol, increase energy levels, improve blood sugar control and help you sleep better! Talk about a worthwhile healthy endeavor!

Now, here’s Kathy…

Tell Us A Little Bit About Your Weight Struggle
I had been struggling with my weight for years and especially after I turned 50. Every time I went to my doctor, I would ask why I couldn’t lose weight. I’ve been doing Zumba for years now – at least 3-4 times a week – and truly didn’t eat that much. (Why Exercise Alone is a Terrible Weight Loss Strategy)

I’ve since rejoined Weight Watchers 18 weeks ago and wow! Even though my progress is slow in my eyes, only losing most weeks .3 pounds or less, I’ve stuck with it and have now lost 15.2 pounds!

It’s true what they say about weight loss: nutrition is 70% and exercise is 30%. I still do my Zumba and try other workouts at least 3-4 times a week and stick with my plan of eating well with Weight watchers.

All I can say is that going to the meetings, getting weighed-in and having a support group really helps. Believe me only having to lose 15-20 is much harder to lose 50-100 lbs. I am doing this for me and I feel so much better.

What Was Your Wake-Up Call Or “A-Ha Moment” That Caused You To Sign Up With Weight Watchers?
The scale!

How Have Your Eating Habits Changed Since Weight Watchers? What Did You Eat Before And What Are You Eating Now?
Didn’t eat much before. Now, I’m eating properly with lots of fruits and vegetables.

What Is The Difference In Your Fitness Before Weight Watchers And Now?
No difference just eating better and more nutritional.

What Has Been The Biggest Change/Payoff For You So Far?
Feeling good about myself!

Do You Have A Favorite Recipe You’d Like To Share?

How Much Weight Have You Lost? How Long Did It Take You To Lose It?
So far I’ve lost 15.2 pounds in 18 weeks.

Advice and/or Words of Wisdom To Others Who May Be Struggling
Just keep with the program it does work. Try to keep a positive attitude for weight loss success!

More Weight Watcher Success Stories:

About Peter Morrison

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