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Looking for a morning yoga practice to wake you up and get you going? Try this morning yoga practice. I’ve done it twice now and love how I feel while doing it and when I’m finished.

Calm. Awake. Focused. Energized.

Beginning my day with a few minutes of yoga helps to start my day off on the right foot.

30 Minute Morning Yoga Practice to Increase Energy

Morning Yoga Practice to Increase Energy Video

This 30 minute practice is designed to prepare you for the day ahead. It begins with slower movements to match your energy and then gradually builds up.

The breathing component is essential for the practice to be effective, so don’t skip it. Gradually deepen and lengthen your breath, but don’t hold it for longer than is comfortable.

Breathing and noticing how you are feeling are important elements of yoga. They are what make yoga, yoga.

If you are just moving—without breathing and without paying attention to how you are feeling—you are exercising, which is great, but you’re not really doing yoga 🙂

The most challenging pose is Warrior 3, a pose in which you balance on one foot with your other leg extended behind you. If you are having low back/sacrum issues you’ll want to skip this pose.

30 Minute Morning Yoga Routine to Increase Energy Sequence of Poses

1) Cat Pose to Child’s Pose to Cat Pose to Downward Facing Dog (4 Rounds)
This is a great sequence to stretch your back, and hamstrings and get your energy moving. If downward facing dog seems to hard, skip it and just flow from the cat pose to the child’s pose.

2) Mini Cobra Pose and Locust Pose Variations
I love the way these movements make my back feel.

3) Child’s Pose to Kneeling Twists (3 Rounds)
More great poses to wake up the back and increase my energy.

4) Flowing Warrior 2 Pose with Variations (4 Rounds)
I feel much stronger and centered after doing these. If you can’t hold the poses for as long as suggested, take a break whenever you need to.

5) Warrior 3 Pose (Skip if you are experiencing low back/sacrum issues)
This pose takes practice. Only lift your leg as high as you comfortable can and only hold the pose as long as you comfortably can. Always give yourself permission to rest when you need it.

6) Wide Legged Forward Bend with Squats (4 Rounds)
I love how this stretches out my hamstrings and strengthens my thighs.

7) Seated Breathing Exercises (8 Minutes)
Don’t skip this. It’s amazing how powerful focused controlled breathing can be on your energy! By the end of the practice I felt calm, energized focused and ready to begin the day.

Morning Yoga Practice to Increase Energy Sequence Diagram


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About Martha McKinnon

Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, Yoga Practitioner and Blogger who loves to share her passion for trying to create a happy, healthy, balanced life in what often feels like an overwhelming out of control world.

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