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Janice who said, “Martha, you are truly a GODSEND, as you have inspired me through healthy cooking. I committed to 2018 with WW online, drinking more fluids, walking 3 miles a day ( I am a retail manager and probably get more than 3!), leaving my worries at my doorstep, smiling more, focusing on my renewed daily spiritual connections, doing little things that make my team happy with any expectations, and yes, taking time for my “ME ” time. I have also “played” around with essential oils due to tremendous back pain, and have found some relief. Thank you for being so inspiring and great recipes!”

Congratulations, Janice!

Please send an email to: to claim your gift card!

Today I am dropping in with some food for thought…

how to balance exercise and nutrition to reach your goal weight

“Where will you live…if you don’t take care of your body?”

Good question, right?  It is a variation of Jim Rohn’s quote, “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

I first heard this powerful statement years ago at a Weight Watchers meeting. I’ve never forgotten it.

I used to be one of those people who spent much more time and energy taking care of my stuff – clothes, shoes, car, house, yard – than myself.

It’s crazy when you stop to think about it. Spending so much attending to things that are easily replaced instead of YOU, which is irreplaceable!

Not any more.

I’m not suggesting that we neglect our stuff.

But, where “stuff” is concerned, I have learned to say, “good enough” and have moved myself way up on my priority list.

My goal is to get rid of as much extra “stuff” as possible to free up more time for all the things that matter to my body, my mind and my soul: cooking nourishing food, exercising, prayer, time with family and friends, and other forms of self care.

What about you?

Do you take better care of your “stuff” than you do your self?

Do you think about your body, mind and soul as your most prized possessions?

Is it time to shift your priorities and invest more in what really matters?

Spring, with its promise of new possibilities, is the perfect time for just such a reset!

Care to join me?

Giveaway Details…

Simple Nourished Living Giveaway - $100 Gift Card from Amazon
Win this $100 Amazon Gift Card from Simple Nourished Living

Leave a comment below sharing how you intend to take better care of yourself this spring and be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card along with an assortment of my favorite doTERRA essential oils!

To enter, just answer the following question in the comments below:

How will you take better care of yourself this spring?

One winner will be randomly selected and announced Saturday morning.

Good luck!

PS: If you need a gentle reset getting on track with taking care of yourself, be sure to check out my 28-Day Smart Start Weight Loss eCourse and eBook!

Thank you, Martha, for your inspiration. Today’s quote about deprivation is ME. I have had dessert every single day of my journey for the past year and have lost 64.4 lbs. I do not feel deprived. I feel WW is sustainable because I don’t feel deprived. I AM a WW; I am not ON WW. Such a difference. Thank you for all you do for the WW community! I recommend your site to everyone!
~ Jeannie M.

This giveaway is sponsored by Simple Nourished Living. Awarded prize may differ slightly (color, design, etc.) from images that appear here - based on availability. Giveaway prizes may be forfeited if not claimed within 90 days.

About Martha McKinnon

Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, Yoga Practitioner and Blogger who loves to share her passion for trying to create a happy, healthy, balanced life in what often feels like an overwhelming out of control world.

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  1. I plan to take care of myself by being more mindful…think before I eat. Also I am going to make an effort to take more steps….get up during commercials, park far from the store entrance….run ahead to open doors for others…..offer to help more…wherever I notice an opportunity to help it will mean moving…win/win!

  2. I joined WW in August of 2017. I track my points by using the phone app. I have lost 26 pounds and 24 cholesterol points. I walk and swim as my preferred activity. The phone app is a helpful tool.

  3. I’ll be decluttering (something my hubby has been strongly suggesting for a while :-), getting more exercise – including yoga, cutting out sugar and eating more real food (vs. processed food), and establishing a daily schedule for myself (I’m retired and days sometimes seem to fly by without my having done anything productive, including taking care of myself!). Thanks, Martha, for inspiring me!