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notebook with new years resolution title
Photo by from Pexels

We are now one week into the new year. How is it going with your health and wellness goals & resolutions?

Better than me I hope!

Confession: My Latest Low Carb Diet Lasted for Just One Day!

After an unusually long season of indulging that included a 2-week cruise, more parties than usual and the emotional cravings that accompany the death of a beloved pet, I decided it was time to get back on track with an EXTREME reset. Me, the person who has made it her mission to advocate for taking a gradual approach to healthy eating and weight loss.

I know that it’s a mistake for to do anything in the short term to lose weight that you’re not committed to doing in the long run, especially when you are a moderator personality type like me.

As soon as I tell myself I can’t have something I begin obsessing. It’s all I can think about!

But it is so tempting to jump on the EXTREME Restrictions bandwagon, especially this time of year. So there I was on New Years Day checking out all the latest No Sugar, Low Carb, Paleo, and Keto Diet and Cookbooks. After an hour or two, I was all pumped up to go LOW CARB for the month of January.

Don’t Miss: The 10 Habits That Mess Up a Woman’s Diet

Eggs cracked into a mixing bowl with egg shells off to the side
Making scrambled eggs

Day 1 was great. Eggs  for breakfast. Chicken, broccoli and avocado for dinner.

The morning of Day 2 I woke up thinking about shredded wheat and fruit.

By lunch, when my stepson showed up suggesting we go to his favorite taco/burrito spot, I caved and had a beef and bean burrito complete with one of the best homemade flour tortillas ever.

The next night, my husband arrived home with a good friend who suggested we go out for sushi.

It’s safe to say that my latest experiment with low carb eating has officially ended!

Even though I know myself pretty well, there are times we can get caught up in the momentum of what’s happening around us. This was one of those times.

Thankfully it only lasted a few days. Now I’m back on track with what I know really works…

A gentle, gradual approach of getting back to basics of building habits that last.

Profile of woman wearing green blouse drinking glass of water
How to Drink More Water

So, I’m following the advice I advocate in my 28-Day Smart Start and getting back to the basics of healthy living….

I know that this is the perfect sustainable antidote to periods of excess. It has worked for me over and over again through the years and for hundreds of others who have joined me!

About Martha McKinnon

Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, Yoga Practitioner and Blogger who loves to share her passion for trying to create a happy, healthy, balanced life in what often feels like an overwhelming out of control world.

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  1. You’re funny. I wouldn’t last more than a day on a low-carb diet either. It’s good that you know yourself and you know what works for your own body/cravings/schedule. Sustainability is key!

    1. Robin, You are so right about sustainability being key! Knowing ourselves is huge to lasting success.