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Photo Credit: Werner van Greuning on Unsplash


“It’s choice – not chance – that determines your destiny.” ~Jean Nidetch

I’ve always loved the above quote from Weight Watchers founder, Jean Nidetch. There’s such power in it.

Granted, we don’t always choose what happens to us, but we do choose how we respond to what happens.

Confession: I’ve been practicing a new habit: beginning my day by asking myself: What do I choose today? Then working on answering definitively and powerfully (instead of tentatively/indecisively as I am so prone to do)…

Today I AM going to:

  • begin my day with 5 deep breaths, reading an inspiring daily devotional, prayer and meditation.
  • take two 20-30 minutes am and pm walks.
  • spend at least 20 minutes on my yoga mat sometime today before I go to bed.
  • drink a glass of water as soon as I get up and before each meal.
  • prepare an easy healthy slow cooker meal to have for supper.
  • do at least one Spanish lesson on duolingo.
  • carve out at least 30 minutes to read for pleasure.
  • get to bed by 9:30.

No ifs, maybes, or “if I feel like its. I’m finding the process both effective and empowering.

As one of my favorite teachers says, “If you utilize your power of choice every day, you can change the course of your entire life. You do not have to leave it up to chance or how you feel or which way the wind is blowing. You do not have to wait for the perfect time or better circumstances or for anyone’s approval or permission. You can start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can to propel yourself toward your dreams.

What will you choose this second? this hour? this day? Let’s seize the day, shall we?

PS: I received the following email from a reader who found this message “self-absorbed:”

“Dear Martha, am I missing something?  Your schedule seems to rule out anything but self.  Do you take into considerate work, family, community?  I don’t see how one could maintain such a schedule and be anything but self-absorbed. I usually find your thoughts very empowering and deep, but you’re lost me on this one.” ~A Reader
Here’s how I see it: Most of us who struggle with our weight also struggle with healthy boundaries. We seem to have no problem with scheduling and meeting the demands of our work, family and community. When life gets busy exercise, eating right and getting enough sleep are the first things that get forfeited. We allow our health & wellness needs to roll right off our priority list day after day, week after week and year after year until we are completely depleted.

If taking time to breathe, pray, drink water, eat a healthy meal, exercise, and spend 30 minutes reading for pleasure seems “self-absorbed” or “selfish” so be it.  At this age and stage of my life, I view it as vital to living a happy, healthy, balanced nourished life. 

Have you checked out my 28-day Smart Start Weight Loss eCourse and eBook? It’s designed to help you begin slowly creating the healthy habits that lead to lasting weight loss success!
Customer Testimonials…

“Hi Martha – I purchased your 28-Day Smart Start Challenge and I love it!!” I don’t know how to thank you.~Debra S.

“This has been a wonderful challenge. Thank you for all of the support and encouragement. I have definitely made some positive changes that I plan to continue!” – Bronwyn

“Your 28-day course was very helpful.” ~Lynn K

“Wonderful!!! Thank you!!! Your challenge has helped me recommit to WW program and I am beginning to see weight loss.” ~ Ellen M.

“Martha – I just love all of your advice. I am about a week into your  28-Day Smart Start Challenge Thank you for making a difference in my life!” ~ Kerry M.

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About Martha McKinnon

Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, Yoga Practitioner and Blogger who loves to share her passion for trying to create a happy, healthy, balanced life in what often feels like an overwhelming out of control world.

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