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Weight Loss Success Story: Denice S.

I’m excited to share Denice S.’ inspiring success story here with you on Simple Nourished Living. In the past 3 years she has lost over 200 pounds while completely re-making her life. I love her advice to embrace your mistakes and show up even if it hurts.

Denice S. after losing over 200 pounds.
Denice after losing more than 200 pounds!

Tell Us A Little Bit About Your Weight Struggle
I have been overweight my whole life. By my early 20’s, I weighed over 350 lbs and was a borderline diabetic with high blood pressure and at risk of heart disease. Physically I wasn’t living, I struggled to do day-to-day tasks.

Denice S. before weight loss success.
Denice before weight loss success

What Was Your Wake-Up Call Or “A-Ha Moment” That Caused You To Really Commit Yourself To Succeeding?
When I took my toddler to a theme park and couldn’t fit in roller coaster with him. He didn’t understand why he had to ride alone. We both left crying.

Denice before starting her weight loss journey
Denice before starting weight loss journey

How Have Your Eating Habits Changed Since Beginning Your Journey? What Did You Eat Before And What Are You Eating Now?
What works best for me is counting my calories, tracking my protein intake and having everything in moderation and snack-size portions.

What Is The Difference In Your Fitness Before You Started And Now?
Night and day. I am active for at least 5 hours a day now and before I sat on the couch for weeks at a time.

Denice S. after weight loss success
Denice after weight loss

What Has Been The Biggest Change/Payoff For You So Far?
I can’t decide. Ultimately, a whole new woman was born. Not one thing in life is the same. A long-term relationship ended, I relocated, made a career change, starting dating and learning new hobbies. My son is 7 now and we are almost the same size!

How Much Weight Have You Lost? How Long Did It Take You To Lose It?
I have lost over 200 lbs and it’s been about 3 years now.

Denice standing in one leg of pants she used to wear.
Denice standing in one leg of pants she used to wear!

Any Advice and/or Words of Wisdom for Others Who Are Struggling?
Embrace your mistakes, allow for a cheat day and always show up even if it hurts.

Follow Denice on Instagram: Denice on Instagram

More Weight Loss Success Stories on Simple Nourished Living:

About Martha McKinnon

Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, Yoga Practitioner and Blogger who loves to share her passion for trying to create a happy, healthy, balanced life in what often feels like an overwhelming out of control world.

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