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Trying to motivate yourself to exercise after a long day at work can be a struggle. By the end of the day, all you want to do is get home, have dinner, and snuggle up in front of the TV.

motivation to hit the gym

Even if you packed your gym bag and took it to work. So, how do you find the get-up-and-go to take yourself to the gym after work?

Here are six useful tips that will help you stay motivated:

Set Yourself Up With A Good Breakfast

It’s often said by many nutritionists that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is certainly the case when it comes to staying energized all day long.

Slow release carbs are ideal to make you feel fuller for longer. Porridge and avocado on toast are particularly popular as breakfast for gym fanatics.

If you start your day with a healthy, satisfying breakfast, then you’re stopping your body from depleting its stored glycogen – something that keeps you alert during the day.

Fuel Throughout The Day

Though you will have set yourself up with a good breakfast, there will be times where you need a top up if you begin to feel lethargic.

The best energy-boosting snacks include: bananas (often regarded as the most effective snack you can have), yogurt, nuts and dried fruit, peanut butter and apple slices, popcorn.

Breakfast Yogurt Granola Parfait in a glass with spoons
Yogurt, Strawberry and Granola Breakfast Parfait

You can also take probiotic capsules daily to help maintain a healthy gut, ensuring your digestive system is working properly.

Take Inspiration From Others

Have pictures of your favorite fitness idols around your desk and on your walls at home. These should be in line with your goals, as a constant reminder that you need to hit the gym!

You can even pin up some inspirational quotes around your workspace.

Have A Gym Buddy

Making solid plans with a gym buddy can encourage you to commit because you don’t want to let the other person down. Coordinate your schedules and meet up after work.

A couple riding bicycles in the city
Friends Riding Bicycles

You can also take classes to turn your workouts into a more social occasion. This will further prompt you to achieve your fitness goals as the instructor puts you through your paces.

Change Into Your Workout Clothes Before You Leave

Have your workout bag packed in the morning. At the end of your working day, instead of changing when you’re at gym, get changed before you leave the office.

That way you’re giving yourself the best chance of going to the gym instead of heading straight home. Also, your colleagues will further encourage you when you leave the office and are likely to ask how your training session went.

Exercise clothes including gray sweatpants, yellow t-shirt, blue hooded sweatshirt, purple sneakers and iPod with earphones
Exercise clothes

You’ll want to avoid embarrassment by admitting you never went!

Don’t Lose Sight Of Why You Started

The most motivational thing should be your desire for change. Don’t forget the reason you wanted to embark on the fitness journey; to become a healthier and happier you. Use this determination as a drive to succeed.

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Related: Overcoming One of the Biggest Weight Loss Challenges with Tiny Bites of Exercise

About Martha McKinnon

Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, Yoga Practitioner and Blogger who loves to share her passion for trying to create a happy, healthy, balanced life in what often feels like an overwhelming out of control world.

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