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doctor fung treatment weight loss diabetes fasting video
A Perfect Treatment for Diabetes and Weight Loss

What is the perfect treatment that can cure type 2 diabetes and lead to effortless weight loss?

Eating better and losing weight is about so much more than a number on the scale or fitting into your skinny jeans.

I’m on a mission to help as many people as I can lose weight, feel better and avoid the devastating long-term effects of Type 2 Diabetes.

I became acutely aware of the dangers of diabetes just after graduation from college when I took a job as a medical records coder. Day after day, I read through the medical records of just discharged patients to assign ICD-9-CM codes to their diagnoses and procedures.

The list of complications associated with diabetes is staggering and includes: ketoacidosis, renal disease, ophthalmic (eye) disease, neurologic (nerve) disease, peripheral circulatory disease and can lead to the need for dialysis and limb amputation when not well managed.

When I hear people say, “I have diabetes” as casually as they might say, “I have a cold,” I’m overcome by a sense of sadness and dread at what lies ahead for so many.

It’s what makes me so passionate about Weight Watchers and motivates me to keep learning and experimenting with healthy eating and weight management strategies.

I want people to live happy, healthy lives, brimming with energy and vitality so they can experience their best lives. So that they can play with their kids and grandkids, move easily, travel freely, love fully. So they don’t miss out on a moment of all the goodness their future has in store for them.

There’s no one right way to lose weight. You’ve got to find the strategy that works best for you. That will take time and a willingness to learn, experiment and be open to new ideas.

Maybe intermittent fasting makes sense for you; maybe it doesn’t, but as the positive research builds it’s definitely worth knowing about!

Listen to this excellent video interview with the eloquent Dr. Jason Fung and prepare to be shocked and amazed at how something as simple as not eating can provide so many benefits…


Comments from Video Viewers:

Comment #1:  “Dr. Fung is one of the most brilliant minds in the medical community, as well as one of the honorable, insightful, and communicative. I have followed his advice and have been “born again” by it. Just do it. And remember – giving a diabetic patient insulin is like pouring gasoline on a fire. It’s nuts.”

Comment #2: “A little less than a year ago, my A1C was around 8.0, fasting blood sugar anywhere from 145-185. Cholesterol terribly out of whack.
I was taking Januvia and Metformin for sugar, Lipitor (Atovastatin) for cholesterol.

After watching videos by Dr. Jason Fung, decided to try Intermittent Fasting to treat my diabetes.

After 2 months, I had to quit taking Januvia and Metformin, as I was getting dizzy from blood sugar getting too low….after stopping, was just fine.

At next blood work (6 months later), A1C was 5.9, fasting blood sugar around 100. Interestingly, cholesterol numbers were now in the Lowest risk category(!)….not expecting that. Lost 40 lbs in those 6 months.

Did not change the content of my diet at all…ate PLENTY of saturated fats, proteins, other fats, and tweaked my carbs back considerably.

So I stopped taking Lipitor.

At next blood work (3 months later) cholesterol even lower, with a raise in my good cholesterol. A1C still below 6, fasting blood sugar never above 100…..continue to confuse my doctor with statements like “all those fried bologna and cheese sandwiches must be lowering my cholesterol!”. He is not amused, but seems glad something is working.

My Intermittent Fasting routine? Fast on Monday and Wednesday……then on the other days simply eat within a 3-hour window. This works for me. Essentially cuts out snacking, and takes emphasis off of food. Saves a lot of money on food too.

We eat mostly for sensation, I think.

I never count calories/carbs/fats/anything….eat what I’m in the mood for, and simply enjoy each bite. Eat until I’m satisfied, which often seems like too much.

After close to a year, I will frequently eat a salad with meat and cheese, high fat dressing, on Monday and Wednesday. Still stick to 3-hour window on the other days.

From the outset (and still true today) I feel the best after 24+ hours of not eating. Can’t explain it, but true for me.””

Comment #3:  “This was a great interview, and very informative. Dr. Jason Fung really explains the basic principles behind diabetes, and the efficacy of low carb diets in its treatment, quite superbly. I am glad that he spoke about fasting, which is something seldom spoken about with respect to diabetes treatment.”

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Jason Fung Discuss the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting:


To Learn About My Preferred Approach to Intermittent Fasting:

Why I Became A Regular Breakfast Skipper

Eat Stop Eat

Keep The Weight Off With Eat Stop Eat

Even as a successful Weight Watcher, I’m always curious about different strategies for lasting weight loss.

I’ve been reading a lot about “intermittent fasting” and was intrigued by not only its weight loss benefits, but also its effects on health and aging.

The simple strategy frees you from all the complicated “diet” rules that can be so overwhelming.

Whereas popular weight loss advice like “watch what you eat” or “exercise more” requires constant discipline, with Eat Stop Eat you simply apply a small amount of restraint once or twice a week while you enjoy a flood of food-freedom the rest of the time.

And more importantly to me at this stage of my life – Eat Stop Eat reverses the #1 cause of accelerated aging!

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor. I’m just a regular person passionate about improving my health and wellness one bite at a time and sharing what I discover. The information found here is based on my personal experiences and interpretation of what I read. It is not medical advice. If you have any health issues or concerns please consult with your physician. Make sure you always consult with your doctor before you do any sort of fasting.


About Martha McKinnon

Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, Yoga Practitioner and Blogger who loves to share her passion for trying to create a happy, healthy, balanced life in what often feels like an overwhelming out of control world.

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  1. Wonder what my endocrinologist would think of this idea. I can’t imagine it going over well.

    I like the idea though. I tend to fast anyhow at times. I haven’t much of an appetite.