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I’ve got a great Weight Watchers video to share with you today. It’s from Olivia Hayward, a lovely woman who lost 40 pounds last year on Weight Watchers and has been successfully in maintenance mode ever since.

Portrait shot of Olivia Hayward in sleeveless print dress
Olivia Hayward lost 40 pounds on Weight Watchers

In this video she shares 5 of her “Weird” Weight Watchers tips and tricks with us.

Olivia’s 5 Weird Weight Watchers Tips & Tricks for Success Video…

My notes from her video for those who prefer reading to watching:

Weird Weight Watchers Tip #1:
Rarely Used Weekly Freestyle SmartPoints

She knew that they were there but didn’t consistently use them. She thought of them as her “margin or error.”

Weird Weight Watchers Tip #2:
Aimed for Daily “Blue Dot” in WW Tracker

She consistently tracked her food intake and aimed to get “blue dots” as often as possible. Blue Dots mean that you stayed within WW defined healthy point range…not too far over or under with your points.

Weird Weight Watchers Tip #3:
Aimed for 59 Activity Points Per Week

Getting into shape and being fit was part of her overall health and wellness goal. She was very active and aimed to achieve 59 activity points per week. She did this by running and doing yoga in addition to other activities.

Weird Weight Watchers Tip #4:
Did Not Obsess About Tracking “Healthy Fats”

Was lax about tracking avocado, oil, and macadamia nuts. She also didn’t worry about eating chicken thighs instead of chicken breasts. It can be argued that these uncounted/tracked additions were offset by the fact that she didn’t also consistently use up her weekly points. One behavior offset the other. She found this to be more mentally aligned with her nutritional beliefs.

Weird Weight Watchers Tip #5:
Cut Out Cookies, Chips & Crackers

Decided to cut out cookies, chips and crackers from her diet. In the past these are her trigger foods, the foods she finds difficult to keep control of so she cut them completely out.

Cutting them out made her aware of how much she depended on these foods – cappuccinos and cookies several times a week, chips and salsa and crackers and cheese as regular snacks. Realized that these foods didn’t provide good nourishment for her body, made her tired and/or head achey. She has not been tempted to add them back.

This video demonstrates the importance of customizing Weight Watchers to work for your individual needs and lifestyle.

Like I used to say when I was a WW leader – Weight Watchers provides a framework for weight loss, while providing you the freedom to customize it to suit your life.

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About Martha McKinnon

Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, Yoga Practitioner and Blogger who loves to share her passion for trying to create a happy, healthy, balanced life in what often feels like an overwhelming out of control world.

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